If you love our shakes and teas and want to make them at home, our Preferred Customers Membership program is just what you need. This Membership is akin to a Costco or Sam's Club Membership, where you can receive an exclusive discount
of 20-40% on all orders for yourself or anyone in your household. With no auto-shipments to keep track of an no minimum purhcase requirements, you have the freedom to order what you want, when you want, and at a fantastic discounted rate. To
join this program, all you need to pay is $34.95. plus shipping and tax (if applicable).
- Enjoy 20-40% discount on most Herbalife Nutrition® products*
- Take advantage of HN Rewards, where you can earn Rewards Points on every purchase to redeem gifts in the Rewards Store
- Order your favorite products directly from MyHerbalife.com anytime, anywhere, 24/7
- Benefit from one-on-one coaching and taileored support to reach your health and wellness goals
- Earn rewards as you work toward your goals thanks to year-round promotions
- Receive "The Scoop" the bi-weekly, Preferred Members-only email newsletter with specialized recipes, helpful meal plans, fitness tips and much more.
- Access to MyHerbalife.com, where you'll find additional tools, trainings, and workout videos